January 15, 2022
5:00 pm
LATEX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. It takes a computer file, prepared according to the rules of LATEX, and converts it to a form that may be printed on a high-quality printer, such as a laser writer, to produce a printed document of a quality comparable with good quality books and journals. Simple documents, which do not contain mathematical formulae or tables may be produced very easily and effectively.
The workshop will be held throughย Cisco Webex. All the sessions will be hands-on practical and implementation-based. Recording and presented contents will be provided to each registered participant. The timing of each session will be 15:00 to 18:30 (IST) each day. International Participants are requested to fix their local time with IST.ย Click here for world clock. Limited seats are available. A certificateย to each registered participant will be given after attending successfully.
MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF), INDIA